Sunday, August 13, 2023

 Amongst all this craziness that is thy life now, I feel someone needs me more. 

More than what I believe I need of myself, certainly more than the credit I give myself. 

He needs me to just BE. 

Be here with him and to LOVE, play and feed him. To show him this kindness in his life. 

His life hasn't been rough by any means but YOU chose him, chose him to be your companion.

Sure you haven't been able to do the things with him you truly wanted or dreamt but he has been here all along regardless.  

10 years he has been by your side, you owe it to him to make his life the best you can for him. 


 My LIFE long obsession is animals. I always dreamt of having my own little hobby farm, with rabbits, chickens, miniature pony, a goat or two not to mention cats and dogs. Now that I am older that has just turned out to be a life long fantasy. Where I live, there is not room for a little barn or animals of that magnitude but it is MY home. I own it and just play yearly taxes as well as whatever repairs need to be done. 

I haven't had to work in 20 years because of a horrific accident but the last couple years have really taken there toll as the Canadian economy has really struggled. I currently have a dog, and as of 2022 we had our last of three cats pass but he was a whooping 21/22 years old. Nice age for a cat but the longest one I've ever owned, so must of been something right in raising and caring for them.     

I decided to bit the bullet cause my kids are all grown up and I needed something to do throughout the day and it doesn't look like we'll be getting anymore animals any time soon, so I got a minimum wage job as a cashier. It at least gives me some extra money but unfortunately my 12 yr old van just happen to kick the bucket the same week and so had to fork out some unexpected cash to buy a newer to me vehicle. Thank gosh I was already into the process of researching for another so had already tried out some vehicles I thought I might like but they weren't what i expected and turned out not to be good fits.

Decided on my vehicle and bought it outright so my extra money is now going to help pay off my little interest that came with that vehicle. 

Still no:

hobby farm, 

no cottage, 

no camper, 

no multiple dogs/cats, 

no outside cat enclosure, 

no hot tub, 

no pool, 

no green house, 

no vegetable garden,   

no hummingbird/butterfly garden, 

no bug/ant repellant plants framing house,

no house expansion. 

Guess I 'll have to get that all put into a book as a TO DO or GET DONE in the years to come?